Editorial Guidelines
While we encourage all subscribers to take full advantage of our offer to list your law firm on Lexyom, we reserve the right to delete or modify free Basic accounts without prior notice and do not guarantee their position in our directories. As to Premium listings, if they do not follow our Editorial Guidelines, we reserve the right to change the content without notice or remove it from our directories without compensation until the listing is corrected.
A listing will be removed if it does not comply, at any point, with the following provisions:
- Do not submit duplicate listings. If you attempt to create a new listing with a duplicate website URL, you will not be allowed to complete the Registration Form.
- Use only standard capitalization (Example: "Law Firm Name" or "Main Street" - No excessive capitalization such as "LAW FIRM NAME" or "MAIN STREET").
- Check the spelling of your title and other information in your listing.
- Use correct phone format.
- Include a valid email address - We send a confirmation notice by email and if the email is returned we will delete the listing.
- Use only a full physical address. Partial addresses without room or floor number, virtual offices or flex spaces will not be accepted as a valid physical address.
- Be sure the contact info entered for your listing matches the information posted on your firm website (i.e. firm name, address, phone number(s).
- Do not use a
- generic name for your firm
- or a practice area instead of the name of your firm. We will not accept vanity names, trade names or generic law firm names.
- Enter the correct information in the appropriate fields.
- We must be able to locate your law firm and your lawyers on the Internet through your firm's website, other directories, legal articles, bar associations, etc.
- Do not post or copyright content of other websites.
- Do not add cities or countries where the firm does not operate.
- We reserve the right to remove and/or rephrase any and all content in a listing which uses phrases such as, but not limited to, "number one", "the best", "one of the best", etc.
- You should not use any feature that is deceptive, misleading, manipulative, or that is likely to confuse the visitor. (e.g. do not select incorrect areas of expertise or accreditation; do not use other law firms (partnerships) as your own office, etc.).
All listings are reviewed by our team prior to posting them in Lexyom directories.
A listing may be removed from our directories until corrected if the infringement is repetitive or obviously deceptive. The subscription for a Premium listing will not be extended during that timeframe.
If your free Basic account has been removed for one or more of the above reasons, simply create and submit a new Basic account with updated information in compliance with our guidelines.